How to grow fruit trees in sri lanka.
Many of us are already on board with growing vegies in our backyards, but why stop there? As many fruit trees are ornamental as well as productive, they can be grown as a feature tree or to provide shade. Deciduous fruit trees area another option, providing spring flowers, summer fruit, autumn leaf colour and allowing the sun stream through their bare winter branches.
If you're a little apprehensive about growing fruit trees and suspect they'll demand precision pruning and a high degree of maintenance, don't be. While orchardists tend their crops with regular pruning, fruit thinning, spray treatments and fertiliser, in order to grow perfect fruit and produce heavy crops, us home gardeners can get by with a lot less effort. Indeed if the thought of pruning worries you, most trees bare some fruit even without pruning.
Deciduous fruit trees such as apple, pear, fig and stone fruit including peach, nectarine, apricot and plum are all available and ready for planting in winter. If you buy in the cooler season you'll be able to save money, as they are sold as bare-rooted trees. If you leave your purchase until spring, you'll be buying a potted tree that costs a little more money and will be in flower or even in leaf.
Also available for planting in winter are all the citrus including orange, lemon, mandarin and lime. These are sold as potted specimens all year round, but winter is the ideal planting time.
Remember all fruit trees need full sun, good drainage and room to grow. Avoid overcrowding fruit trees by checking how wide they'll grow and then spacing the trees — from other plants and from surfaces such as walls and fences — to give them as much area as they need. Not only will the tree look better, it will be easier to maintain.
The safest time to prune most backyard fruit trees is after you've picked the crop in summer. Pruning at this time also tends to restrict growth. Restrict winter pruning to removal of suckers, dead wood and broken or crossing-over branches.
One of the main concerns when planting a new fruit tree is whether it produces its crop with or without a partner. Always ask about the need for pollinators when you are choosing a fruit tree.
If a tree is self-fertile, it fruits even if it is growing by itself. Peach, nectarine and apricot all tend to be self-fertile, which means they'll produce good crops where there's only room for a single tree. Citrus trees are also self-fertile, which is why they are one of the most popular fruit trees in Aussie gardens.
If a fruit tree needs cross-pollination for fruiting, plant another tree of another variety that flowers at the same time and is close by, or you'll have little or no fruit. A tree in a neighbouring garden can provide the pollen for cross-pollination if it is in bloom around the same time as your tree.
As a general guide, apple, pear, cherry and plum all need a cross pollinator. An apple requires another apple of a different variety, although in some cases a nearby crabapple helps out. Most pears need another pear for fruiting, however the flowers of pear trees can pollinate nashi fruit. Most cherries and plums are fussy about pollinators, needing just the right compatible variety, however Stella cherry is self-fertile and can pollinate other cherry trees. For plums, Victoria is a reliable self-fertile variety.
If you haven't room for a cross-pollinating variety, consider buying a multi-grafted plant, or planting two different varieties of your chosen fruit trees in one planting hole. To save room it is also possible to espalier fruit trees. This means to train them to grow against a wall by training side branches in a horizontal direction and removing outward-growing branches. As well as leaving plenty of room for growing a pollinator, this also makes it easy to protect your fruit crop from predators such as birds.
In recent years, dwarf fruit trees have come to prominence, developed for small urban gardens. Some are grafted onto dwarf rootstock, while others are naturally dwarf varieties. The availability of dwarf peach (Pixzee), nectarine (Nectazee), apple (Ballerina and others) and citrus means you can enjoy a mini orchard in even the smallest gardens.
One of the most recent dwarf trees to come onto the market is an apple called Pinkabelle, which produces full-sized, Pink Lady apples on a compact tree just 2m high and 1m wide. It can even grow in a large pot. Its small growth is due to the fact that it is grafted onto a dwarf rootstock. Pinkabelle crops by itself but yield is improved if a Granny Smith apple is planted nearby. Also available now, and ideal for pots, is the aptly named Lots a' Lemons lemon tree. This compact plant has been developed for pot culture or for small gardens. It is cold tolerant with thin-skinned yellow fruit.
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