How to grow mangoes In Sri Lanka..
Mangoes grow best in a slightly acidic, sandy loam, in full, all-day sun. Adapted to wet summers and dry winters and springs, mangoes grow particularly well along the tropical north and subtropical east coasts of Sri lanka.
They grow about half-a-metre a year, eventually reaching upto 35m high and 15m across, with a dome-shaped canopy.The Hybrid Dwarf varierty grows to about 4 to 5 meters in height.
They grow about half-a-metre a year, eventually reaching upto 35m high and 15m across, with a dome-shaped canopy.The Hybrid Dwarf varierty grows to about 4 to 5 meters in height.
In warm temperate regions, the trees perform best in a sheltered position. Established trees tolerate occasional hard frosts to –5ÂșC or below, but saplings must have frost protection.
Trees are generally sold as grafted saplings, although some cultivars, such as Nam Doc Mai and Kensington Pride, can be grown from seed sown after removing the flesh. Seeds are polyembryonic, meaning one seed can produce two to four seedlings. Pinch out the strongest seedlings and retain the smallest. This will produce the best fruit.
Thoroughly dig the soil, incorporating plenty of compost or well-rotted cow manure, then plant. Form a dish drain, about 1.5m in diameter, by creating a low, doughnut-shaped mound around the sapling. This helps retain rain or irrigation water, directing it to the roots and aiding establishment. Mulch with hay, sugar cane, lucerne or compost to a depth of 10cm, keeping it away from the base of the trunk. Water well.
Feed saplings with organic fertiliser, once in spring and again in summer, until they reach flowering size. Then feed in summer after fruit starts to form, to encourage fruit quality and size rather than leafy growth. Watering and foliar feeding with seaweed tonic improves fruit quality and flavour and helps combat mineral deficiencies.

The fruit of some cultivars is prone to anthracnose, a fungus, and fruit spotting, caused by a bacterium. To reduce the risk, give supplementary potash during late winter. If disease does strike, apply a copper-based fungicide. Control fruit fly with baits. Harvest ripe fruit daily and collect fallen fruit. Use shadecloth to protect saplings from frost. Finally, take care when handling a mango where the sap has oozed out from the stem. It contains urushiol, a poison that can cause dermatitis.
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