How to grow Chinese Greens in Sri lanka.

 How to grow Chinese Greens.

Looking to plant your own Chinese greens? Check out our guide to get the most of your backyard vegetables

There are a number of Chinese greens that have caught the attention of cooks and gardeners alike. Bok choy (also called pak choi), tat soi, mizuna andmibuna are quick and easy to grow – in just six to seven weeks from sowing seed you will be picking and eating plenty.

Commonly called 'Chinese cabbages', these leafy vegetables are members of the brassica or cabbage family.
Bok choy is an attractive plant with deep green leaves, thick white stalks and bright yellow flowers typical of broccoli. Tat soi is a smaller version, with darker green leaves formed into a tight rosette. For either, the entire plant can be cooked. I prefer steaming them then drizzling over a little oyster sauce, but there are many ways to cook this versatile vegetable. Mizuna and mibuna leaves have a mustardy flavour and are used in green salads.


Although seedlings are available at Kandy agriculture department, it is best to grow Chinese greens such as bok choy from seed, as they germinate very readily. Packets of these. Each pack contains plenty of seed for successive plantings. Bok choy and its relations grow well in cooler climates like Badulla,Nuwera eliya and Kandy. in sri lanka, but bear in mind they are cold-weather vegetables growing best from autumn to early spring. Avoid summer heat, as the plants can bolt into flower and seed.


Chinese greens like bok choy grow best in a friable, reasonably well-fertilised soil. Prior to sowing dig over the area to remove large clumps of heavy soil and apply a handful of complete fertiliser to every square metre. Water the area prior to sowing and keep it continually moist so seedlings grow rapidly.
Sow seeds in drills directly in the ground where they are to grow. Cover the seeds with approximately 3–4cm of soil and water in. They germinate quickly, especially in autumn and spring, so make sure weeds are eliminated so they are not competing with your crop for water and nutrients.
To plant seedlings, space them about 15cm apart. They grow approximately 7cm wide and 30cm high. Thin out the seedlings if you have over-sown too thickly.


The main priority to growing bok choy successfully is to keep the plants growing quickly with plenty of moisture. If the soil dries out, it is likely that they will bolt into flower and then to seed prior to full leafy development. Mulch with 7–10cm of organic material, such as straw or sugarcane, to keep the soil around the plants cool. Like most vegies, they need a reasonably sunny place to grow well with at least six hours of sun.
You may have to water the plants every second day, or even daily depending on temperature conditions. Apply a liquid fertiliser every couple of weeks to keep them growing briskly. Successive sowings, so that you have a row of plants at different growing stages, is a good idea and works well.
Bok choy is quite an attractive plant and would not look at all out of place in the garden among the perennials and annuals. You could also think about growing it in containers and pots, filled with a good-quality potting mix, plus additions of some animal manure and a handful of complete fertiliser. If you have success growing bok choy, you could also try growing other Asian greens such as tat soi and mizuna.
Start harvesting the outside leaves as young plants grow, leaving enough so they keep growing throughout the season. Do not leave the plants sitting in the ground for too long – it is best to pick and eat them when the leaves are juicy and tender.
At Natures Best Farm in Sri Lanka we grow organically all types of vegetables.
Visit us at Tangalle Sri Lanka.

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